We’ve taken around hundreds of photos during raya. I have to say, the photos taken especially on the 1st day of raya showed loads of love & the value of family. The gathering around, the smiles, gestures and even the food showed lots of love goin’ around. I can’t wait to do it all over again next year. Another Ramadhan and another Syawal.
So I’m dedicating these pictures to CT Mun a.k.a. Munique as she’s away from home this year. [Promised her to upload photos.] Enjoy!
Here are some awesome photos taken around 1st day of Aidilfitri that I love to share with you. These are family members as well as close relatives that are always there for you. Love it!
*We got teased for this pose. Haha!*
Uncle & Bucu a.k.a. Mama Niah*with their romantic pose*
Ngah Garip & Ka Suma *sandar-sandar d prijer*
The living room's packed. *Erm.. Let's count heads...*
*Taken at Ngah Mina's residence*
Ngah Mina & wife + daughters (at his residence)
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