Get to watch lil' Andre (myna / burung tiong) being fed this afternoon. Oh gosh... he's gone from a baby bird that can hardly stand on its own two feet to being a maturing myna every single day. Andre & his other pair can now perch. He has grown really healthy. He still needs to be fed by hand tho', but it won't be for long.
Mind you, they sure like to take a dip into water! Gauk c Andre atu. Masa bapa bari makan, pandai ia melumpat rah gayung berisi air. Mula2 menaguk aying...impress tah kami meliat yang ia pandai minum sendiri. Sekali...terajun ia dlm aying gayung atu. Cukup dengan terajun atu kibar2nya tia sayapnya. Atu ia...kami yang ketempiasan!! Bagus!!!
RV'78: Inda sabar rasanya kan ngambil ia esuk... yeheeee...
exercising restraint.
3 days ago
So good......
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