This week activity -- making puddings out of boring sponge cakes.
Remember those sponge cakes that tastes like real sponge?? (Exaggerating, huh)
Well, here's a way to make delicious custard puddings out of them. It tastes waaaay better!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Baking delicious puddings
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Waxing...the southern region
After much pushing and talking into, I finally have the guts, as a real woman, to step up to the challenge of waxing the entire lower part of my abdomen.
Okay, this is not a joke. This goes out to all the male species... We don't just do it for fun or pleasure of it, but it's literally a matter of hygiene. So, if you think we're a bunch of weaklings, and you have the balls to do it, please do try it. Some may think that we're shallow, but I rather say, WE GOT THE BALLS.
Many thanks to Ira who did a great job last night. She made sure I was okay without passing out the whole time. And thanks to both my sisters who literally pushed me into it. I might do it again.
FYI, the waxing costed me $30 + $10 for underarm.
My skin is still numb after the whole process last night. Overall, 'it' looks supeeeerb!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Internet down...
The wet weather on Sunday has done as much damage to our internet connection. The pouring rain, the drizzle, the cold, cold atmosphere...
Our home line is totally DEAD due to the wet weather. It's been 2 days now since I last logged on. Had to go over to my mom's place to have access. I'm currently logging on via my E61i.
Calling & reporting a complaint to Telbru customer service dusn't do much. Did dat Sunday evening, still no internet access.
I'm now thinking, Telbru pulang behutang rah kami ni....hutang internet line. Bayaran sewa bulanan tatap dibayar panuh, tapi pemakaian internet dalam 2 hari ani inda jua ada. Macam mana tu.... ishhh...
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sebab menjual....LUAN MANJA! Hehehe...
>>In the evening... Had dinner at Misato Kiulap. I'm still bloated.

*Kerunei Don* ...Our favourite dish...
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Channel 501 - Astro Awani

A press conference was made yesterday Tuesday announced by Mawi himself regarding his marriage to Ekin that falls on 20th December 2008 (Saturday) in Johor.
Pengumuman and the whole deal is too much. I'm not a fan of Mawi (thank God) and personally I think the live announcement is unnecessary. If you wanna get married, just do it. Who does Mawi think he is??? Royalty? A Hollywood star? Isshhhh.... too much jua eh!

Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008

She shaved her head because it is said that she has damaged hair!!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 3:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
News that attracts my attention...
Italian cops easily caught an armed robber after being told the gun wielding raider was Angelina Jolie.
Lookalike Annarita Ottonello, 29, staged a bank robbery in Genoa after running into money problems, say police.
But she was quickly caught, as she tried to escape by scooter, after police circulated the news that the bank had been robbed by an Angelina Jolie double.
A police spokesman said: "The resemblance was so uncanny that some witnesses actually thought it was the actress herself and that the robbery was part of a new Hollywood film.
"The woman had always thought that looking like Angelina Jolie was a bit of a bonus in her life
because it attracted lots of men.
Unfortunately in this particular instance it proved to be the worst possible thing for her - she was instantly recognisable.
RV'78: Angelina Jolie would be f**king pissed! She should make full use of that face! She could make money out of it. Duuuuhhh....
Drinking mom asks daughter, 9, to drive
TORONTO (Reuters) – An Ontario woman was charged with a traffic violation after having her nine-year-old daughter drive her home following a night of drinking.
"The woman was concerned that she was unable to drive having consumed some alcohol at a social function," police said on Thursday.
The child was driving the car slowly along country roads in southeastern Ontario on October 12 when police noticed how tiny she was and pulled her over, police said.
RV'78: How absurd can u be?!!
'Aping' around lands man in jail
ALTOONA, Pa. – A man who went to buy cigarettes in a gorilla suit to win a bet with his girlfriend is now being accused of receiving stolen property. Altoona police said they noticed a 20-year-old man walking down the city's Sixth Avenue just after midnight on Wednesday dressed as an ape.
Police said that when they stopped the man, they discovered he was wanted for receiving stolen property.
Police said the man told them he had gone to the convenience store in disguise because his girlfriend had bet him he wouldn't do it.
The man was charged with receiving stolen property and was released on bond.
RV'78: So much for a cheap bet!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Back to the past...*rewind*

*Pai Yuek School - A Chinese private school I attended 1982-1988. The building is still standing to this day*
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Random images...
*Nur Afiqah Farahiyah binti Ngangah Padil* Huahuahuahua...
*The centre of attention...white & fresh flowers*
*Beraya at Laili's*
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Peasants...fake or the real thing
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 3:02 PM 0 comments
PSR 2008 exam is officially over

Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 1:16 AM 0 comments
Hooked on them...

Lindsay Price, Kim Raver & Brooke Shields *These ladies are absolutely gorgeous!*
The judges...

*Manja, kan.*
He'll shout back to hub's "Samekom!"
*Just a few more spots left to cover*
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 12:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Do we feel lonely? Yes, of course we do. Do I ever think about adoption? A couple of times, yes. Somehow, I dare not to ask around. I don't want people to think that we are desperate. To think that I'm egoistic, that would be shallow. All I can say is if the opportunity or offer comes one day, I certainly would not hesitate to say 'yes'. It would certainly be beyond my imagination.
Redha, berusaha, tawakkal, berserah saja pada Allah. That's all I can do for now.... I try as much as possible not to worry too much over it. But I'm a woman, and I guess it's human nature for us to worry and often question ourselves.
The future is the whole deal for me. I'm in my thirties already... only time can tell. Forty may be a long journey ahead, but I don't think so. Time flies...and I'm still waiting....
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Lil' Andre...
Get to watch lil' Andre (myna / burung tiong) being fed this afternoon. Oh gosh... he's gone from a baby bird that can hardly stand on its own two feet to being a maturing myna every single day. Andre & his other pair can now perch. He has grown really healthy. He still needs to be fed by hand tho', but it won't be for long.
Mind you, they sure like to take a dip into water! Gauk c Andre atu. Masa bapa bari makan, pandai ia melumpat rah gayung berisi air. Mula2 menaguk aying...impress tah kami meliat yang ia pandai minum sendiri. Sekali...terajun ia dlm aying gayung atu. Cukup dengan terajun atu kibar2nya tia sayapnya. Atu ia...kami yang ketempiasan!! Bagus!!!
RV'78: Inda sabar rasanya kan ngambil ia esuk... yeheeee...
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:55 PM 1 comments
PSR exam starts today
The day that we've all been waiting or rather dreading for has finally come.
I got posted as invigilator to Yayasan school. First time jadi pengawas, tarus pulang kana antar ke skulah semi-government.
Arrived there early, around 7.30 a.m. Culture shock jua bila sampai ke skulah atu. Al maklum lah, skulah bebayar. Jauh2 bejalan & mencari dewan peperiksaannya (they're using Dewan Serbaguna) ahirnya tetulus jua.
The building itself is actually brand new, cukup dengan air-conditioner, a nice stage with navy blue curtains, spotlights on ceiling, 3 or 4 rows of grandstand seats and pvc walls (which I really like).
I'm gaining good experience from being an invigilator. It's good to be out of your comfort zone once in a while.
PSR exam: 11th, 13th, 14th, 15th October 2008.
Biarlah doaku sentiasa mengiringimu
Ya Allah, semoga murid-muridku dapat menjawab soalan-soalan peperiksaan besar mereka tahun ini dengan tabah dan tawakkal...
Permudahkanlah kepayahan mereka, hilangkanlah kerunsingan mereka, lancarkanlah pemikiran mereka...
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Raya visit to GB Hjh Hasnah's place
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 1:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sharing the festivities & love on Syawal
So I’m dedicating these pictures to CT Mun a.k.a. Munique as she’s away from home this year. [Promised her to upload photos.] Enjoy!
Ngah Garip & Ka Suma *sandar-sandar d prijer*
The living room's packed. *Erm.. Let's count heads...*
*Taken at Ngah Mina's residence*
Ngah Mina & wife + daughters (at his residence)
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
5th day of Raya
I'm certainly in no mood in what-so-ever for teaching just yet. (Nevertheless, I must plan my tomorrow's lesson).
Oh man! It's taking me ages for the computer to upload my raya pics. I'm trying to put them up in Facebook (for my cousins & frens) and here. But the uploading is terribly slow. I might have to do it tomorrow.
*Taken at Ghani's residence*
At my crib - YF Residence
Taken at Uncle Halim's place *nice & cozy*
Oh, btw, below is our new myna bird pet named Andre (well, one of them actually!). He's gotten bigger & healthier in just a couple of days. He has rather strong feet now. Andre came with another sibling who will be adopted by my in-laws.
*I've no clue how to differentiate the gender. And I still can't make up my mind which one to choose*
Both are still young, and we feed them by hand. They tend to get hungry very often (every 2-3 hours). They're loud, but absolutely adorable.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
1st Syawal...
I love the morning atmosphere and the sights of family gathering aside from the hot weather. The sky was clear. However, it rains in the afternoon. So, this year likewise, we started from rumah Mama, then rumah Ngah Janah, after that rumah Ngah Mina and lastly rumah Tua Muhamad. All these houses served nasi lemak, satay, etc.
I feel a lil' guilty eating in the morning and so replaced that with sweet drinks. Tapi pada hakikatnya sama jua kambung parut ulih minum saja. Apraaa, Labu....
This year, the guests (or relatives) kinda' bertambah. I see a couple of new born babies... Have no idea who's the baby daddy, tho.
Later on around 1.00 p.m., went to pay my family a visit in the afternoon. I always love walking into the huge guest room during raya. It was only open for special ocassions such as this.
The smell of air freshener... the cool temperature... looking through what's new as decoration... sitting cozily on the sofa... just being there in the comfort of my family home.All my sisters were there. My aunts & uncles came over and I took a couple of pictures. (Still experimenting & getting used to D60).
My bro-in-law took the opportunity to check out the D60. (Hehehe... thinking of getting one urself??)
It was then almost 4.00 p.m. when we decided to get back home for a rest.
Later in the evening, hubs & I were having dinner with Pijah & Jati rah Mama when Ngah Garip invited us to come over. I was actually wearing baju rumah, and dat is it! But, untuk tidak menghampakan peminat...we go ahead...baju rumah and all!
Honestly, this is the first time EVER aku beraya ke rumah Ngah Garip wearing baju tidur/rumah! Yes, in the year 2008! Bida kali ah... baik jua nada urang singgah beraya. Mun ada tepaksa balik lalu pintu dapur.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Salam syahdu Aidilfitri 2008
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Hari Raya on Thursday

So, what's up for today? Another good news is we added a new pet and it is yet to join our family.... a myna bird (burung tiong). I name it Andre. It came as a pair, so Andre's other sibling is adopted by my in-laws.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Missing Ramadhan already
Takbir Hari Raya sudah berkumandang di masjid berdekatan rumah kami. Syahdu bunyinya... Atu tah tandanya Syawal sudah tiba. Genaplah sudah sebulan kitani berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan.
1-Oktober (Rabu) merupakan hari terakhir bersungkai pada tahun 2008, tapi hati ani sebenarnya sudah rindukan Ramadhan, walaupun baru sejam berlalu. Inda lama lagi azan Isya akan dilaungkan.
It is also at this time and moment that your handphone will play Raya ringtones multiple times alerting you for the loads of Aidilfitri messages you're receiving from friends and family.
I've already received 2 messages and it's only 7.22 p.m. Just for the record, they're from a former student's parent and another is from Satil.
(Azan Isya mula dilaungkan oleh suami tercinta di masjid berdekatan).
I remember the first time I heard it exclusively via the phone. It was sumwat magical & I was stunned! *sigh*
Oh, btw, bunyi letupan badil dan bunga api pun inda kurang kuatnya daripada takbir Raya. Berlawan-lawanan bunyinya.
Seperti biasa, lapas suami balik dari Sembahyang Sunnat Raya esok, start tah kesibukan ziarah-menziarahi kaum keluarga dan saudara-mara berdekatan. Ia tah hari yang paling mengenyangkan ni. Mudahan jua baju raya ku tahun ani dapat menampung juadah Hari Raya. Maklum, baju fesyen, selalunya baju kurung biasa.
(Just for the record, berat badanku pun turun di musim puasa tahun ani. Dari 55kg to 50kg).
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 7:10 PM 0 comments