In the staff room.... a couple of veterans were sitting having their coffee break. One asked if anyone could remember lagu kanak-kanak zaman dulu. Here's one that they came up with. I'm just fascinated by the lyric that's made of every letter of the alphabet.
(Correct me if I messed up with the lyric, tho').
The A-Z song:
Abu Bakar curi daging, emak Fatimah geli hati, ikut Jalan Kuala Lumpur, makan nasi orang putih, Queen rasa sakit tulang, ubat vitamin w x y z.
exercising restraint.
3 days ago
In utara version…
Abu Bakar Curi Daging Emak Fatimah Gulai Hindu Ikut Jalan Kulim Lama Makan Nasi Orang Putih Queen Rasa Sakit Tulang Ubat Vitamin Wow X Yang Zat
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