This is my site... These are my dailies in a blog...
This is exclusively my diblogary.

~~ Sekadar untuk renungan ~~
"Tak perlu secantik Balqis ANDAI diri tak seindah Sulaiman,
Buat apa diharap kasih setulus Zulaikha ANDAI diri tak setampan Yusof,
Jangan dicari sekuat Siti Hajar dan Siti Sarah ANDAI diri tak seteguh Ibrahim,
Mengapa mahukan seistimewa Siti Khadijah ANDAI diri tak sempurna Rasulullah,
Jangan mencari kesempurnaan dari orang lain sedangkan diri sendiri penuh dengan kekurangan..."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Frust over Nur Kasih....

Just last week, hubs & I were sitting in the living room catching another episode of Nur Kasih. I have to say that I was and still am disappointed with Nur in the story. Disappointed pasal ia sanggup menyuruh Adam tidur sama 2nd wifenya! I mean, how could she?! Errgghhhh…. Frust ku meliat! Sedangkan c-Adam pun tekajut c-Nur buleh menyuruh ia cematu. Of course, by right he has to do so, but to be told so by his own beloved wife!

And the next day (in the story masih ni ah!), Nur decided to accept Katrina (her ‘madu’) as family. OMG!! How far can I tolerate next week’s episode, I stil dunno.

Sorry, but I am totally feeling the story now. Normally, I would be anxious thinking how the next episode would be like.But after last Friday, I’m like….what the heck, Nur will have to share her husband with Kat from now on. How great is that?!!! I can’t bear watching her cry over her own jealousy….and knowing that she has to deal with it by herself from then on.

Yetah, inda pedah aku pun makan ati meliat.


Taneya's Countdown