
I only managed to take these shots with my E61i.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Shots taken while dining on a sunny Saturday afternoon @ Au Lait Cafe, Kiulap.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Just some random images taken sometime ago (which are apparently way past due).....
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 9:01 PM 0 comments
It's damn frustrating.
This broadband has 49% signal strength, but it's as slow as a snail's ass!!
Bari sasak. Batah membuka segala2nya.
Anyway, who's going to Limbang or Miri anytime this week ah? Kan bekirim majalah Nona bulan Oktober. Been drooling over its advert in another magazine.....with Nasha Aziz in the front cover......sporting bright red lipstick looking oh-so-glam.
She's looks super sexy in red and making it irresistable. Just got to have it while stocks last.
Oooh wow! My signal strength has gone up to 93%! Banar kah jua laju ni...antah2 angin.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Hubs and I were out in a DVD store located in Muara town the other night.
The salesperson, an Indian was very cheerful towards us, the only customer during that time.
So cheerful that somehow sounded 'memajal' to us.
Hubs: DVD baru2 ada?
Salesperson: Aji, ini baru2 DVD sini.
Hubs: Bah, ok.
Salesperson: Kaka, ini cerita Korea baru2. Semua baru sana. Bagus punya cerita.
Me: (Angguk2)
A while later....
Hubs: Inda payah eh. Ada sudah di rumah. (which is untrue. Rasa bah kan mengelak offer).
Me: Aweh. Yang sini saja kami mau liat.
Salesperson: Sini DVD terang2 punya.....
Just as I took out my purse to pay....
When we got in our car.....
Hubs: Atu MAJAL!!
Cemana tah kan untung bisnes mun customer digalakkannya membayar lain hari. Mun tekana customer jujur baik jua. Mun inda kana bayar.....appraaaaa....
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Check in at work..... sit for awhile....catch my breath
Take out my Acer-Mini....plug-in it's charger and switch it on....
Plug-in my broadband....get online....click on Facebook....and I start to....
Banyak sudah game di Facebook ani, macam2 sudah dicuba. Yetah membarinya menyangkut dapan computer saja......
Even so, I only keep my Restaurant City, Country Story and Island Paradise.
Only once in a while I'd visit Farmville.
But yesterday afternoon, I've only started playing this one new game - Home Inn.
And I immediately got hooked.
Maybe there's a syndrome going on coz I'm constantly spending way too much time on the internet, and facebook in particular.
Yang inda bisainya pakai broadband ani, malar disconnect. Balik2 'disconnect'nya. Yetah inda smooth main game. Sucks!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Our whole school just had its Aidilfitri celebration today.
The classes were decorated. Food were laid out on arranged tables right in the centre of the room…. The kids wore their best outfits, all pretty and colourful.
The atmosphere was extra cheerful today.
We started moving from one class to the other, children waited in each room welcoming us teachers, shook our hands and ask for forgiveness zahir & batin. There were about 12 classes that we visited.
The last agenda was....acara makan! Everyone was in their best mood and all smiles.
Hey, I don't see why not with all the food and jokes of tapau-ing session! LOL~
Too bad I didn't bring my cammy with me.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday.........got up as early as 6-ish. My eyes were still pretty much sleepy after yesterday, like they still need their long, good rest.
Was already in the hall around 7.30, thinking maybe I could get my yesterday's bundle of papers done before everyone in our group comes. Turned out our papers weren't there yet.
But the good thing was we only need to finish up 22 papers today.
So yeah, we pretty much finished everything today, settled and submitted our forms.
The marking process was really tiring. I was so exhausted yesterday and realized I was driving home at 6pm! Biji mata pun rasanya macam kan tekeluar lapas merait inda beranti berjam-jam. Kan juling rasanya. Saat-saat ahir atu pun macam begimbar sudah tulisan kanak-kanak.
Hmmm, but I need the experience.
I would do it again next year, insya-Allah.
*Gasp* I haven't type my LP yet!! Tomorrow's MONDAY!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Marking papers starts today morning.
But we have other plans at home in the afternoon. I hope to be given a permission for not attending later. Can't cancel on our guests'. The show HAS to go on!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 7:12 AM 0 comments
The PSR exam is finally OVER. Whewww!
But the next thing is even worse...... MARKING the papers!
Mind you, it is my first time. And I hope I'm getting all the experience and real good tips from the veterans on how to mark super-turbo-fast tomorrow.
It shall be a tiring process as the work starts early morning (then, a short break at midday) till late afternoon. And yeah, we need to come on Friday & Sunday too.
Good luck to me!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 4:39 PM 0 comments
I'm spending the whole Sunday alone just sitting at home....
Probably be going to an open house invitation later in the afternoon.
Tomorrow's the big day....the long awaited day by all Year 6 students of Brunei Darussalam.
Yes, their final year examination -- PSR.
It starts tomorrow Monday, 5th October until the 8th (Thursday).
This year, I'll be invigilating the exam at S.R. Tanah Jambu.
I hope everything goes well tomorrow. And I would very much like to wish all of the 36 students of Year 6 (who will be sitting for the exam next week) the best of luck. May you all succeed with flying colours! Amiin ya rabbal alamin.....
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Today's 11 Syawal 1430 Hijrah, which means that it's now the 11th day of Raya.
For me, the best thing about raya and one of the things that I most waited for are the TV commercials brought by Petronas.
My favourite is entitled Aku Ingin Pulang
And, have you ever heard of this particular EON's version of Raya song.... really famous on TV3 back in the 90's.
Hari raya hari yang mulia(Iklan Hari Raya EON - Jamal Abdillah ft Raja Ema)
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 4:24 PM 0 comments