Saturday, I woke up and had a hot shower. Washed my face & ended up with a cut at the edge of my left mouth. Hmm...sabar saja walaupun padih. Tepikir jua, how am I gonna teach or even speak kalau inda dapat buka mulut basar2?!
I had another restless night, pusing kanan, pusing kiri, garu sana, garu sini. But it was a li'l better. At least it wasn't as excruciating to swallow. Hence, the pain is still there.
So, I got out of shower and showed the rashes to hubs. The matter did look worse, so I decided to see another doctor. This time, a private clinic, Dr Asri. was itchy all over again.
With the boss's permission, I drove myself to Serusop. The consultation went well which the doctor claimed that the rashes I'm complaining about is actually an allergy reaction to the 'Ibuprofen' medication.
Great!! And the throat infection is apparently.....Tonsillitis.
I paid up $55 for antibiotics & allergy tablets.
I'm glad that I went for a second opinion. But I should've gone there first thing.
Somehow, the itch is still here to stay. I just want it to go away......
exercising restraint.
3 days ago
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