This post is long overdue, I realized that. If you don't agree, you will eventually.
Soooo, here goes.
Md. Haziq Zul Danish just turned 6 last week. I simply don't remember which day of the week that we actually took these pictures.
We had a small family gathering over at my in-laws. Food were spread at the centre of the room. We took out the laptop and broadband and got online with Munique.
And here's a recap of what happened over the weekend.....last week, that is. (Told ya it's long overdue).
Thursday, 28th May ~~ Checked in and stayed a night over at Rizqun hotel.
Saturday, 30th May ~~ Rushed over to tambing to catch the last boat to Temburong. There was a major traffic jam all over bandar especially at the drop off zone. But we made it just in time.
Oh man, punya la ramai di tambing. Clash lagi pasal long weekend, cuti on Monday...hmm...banyak urg balik kampung.
Ngam tah lagi both counters full house sudah, tepaksa tah squeezed into seats buat muka seposen.
Come night time, mom & dad alum jua sampai2 dari beliun. We were starving then, so we ate over at this restaurant in Bangar. Order nasi ayam pun nada aying sup...abis!
Balik rumah, inda belaku kan change clothes or mandi. All our bags were in dad's car!
Ampit jua membuat bunga talur di rumah uncle sebalah, buat2 nunggu drg sampai. Atu pun around 10-ish.
Oh, and I did try out the new Telbru broadband, but it didn't work AT ALL due to lack of network, I guess. Damn it!
Sunday, 31st May ~~ Jemputan kahwin over at my cousin just next door. The weather was kinds' cloudy, but the heat was overwhelming. And among the crowds there, I bumped into an old ex-classmate from ugama school. But I still can't figure out his name..... He's the photographer, btw. Good to see old friends!
At 3-ish, we were already on the boat going back to BSB. This time, inda asak-asak and more space. Sigh..thank God.
Plus... Monday nada school!!! Cuti sempena ABDB or RBAF. Aaaah, bless!
Here are some random images taken during the day....
"Aaah, apa?"
"Abang mau emmmm 'timbak'." (pointing to my camera).
"Anty bagi abang, abang mau timbak."
"Jantah, barat ni.... Abang bediri sana, Anty saja 'timbak' abang."
(~singing Fergie's song~).
Tahniah kerana sampai ke jinjang pelamin. Semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.
~~~~~ END ~~~~~
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