When I got home today, I found a female dog (which seemed to me like she just gave birth) roaming around in my backyard. Bila dihalau pun inda jua usulnya kan lari. So, I was curios what brought her here in my backyard. Malarku subuk-subuk, inda tia ada lagi lapas atu. Relieved but still curious... Maybe kuyuk atu beanak tinggal di rumah belakang atu lagi. Since rumah ngangah yang nada penghuni atu usulnya selamat untuk kuyuk atu tinggal. Convinced with that thought, suddenly sayup-sayup kedangaran bunyi anak kuyuk dari jauh. Jangul-jangul tah ku sambil tinting meliat kawasan atas bukit, tapi inda jua keliatan apa-apa. Makin lama bunyi anak kuyuk atu macam ampir saja seolah-olah menarik perhatianku untuk meliat kawasan bawah bukit di belakang rumah atu.
I was shocked to find dalam samak-samak exactly bawah batu basar ampir veranda dapur (from where I stood) 2 newborn puppies!! It was hard to tell how many of them to be exact, but I could see 2 or 3 of them sleeping. SHIT!!
Patut tah ada taie bawah rumah & di halaman dapan rumah masa ari atu! Shiiiiit! Aaaarggghhh... Damn it!
When hubb got home, tarus tah I 'story' him. He was shocked too. Oh God!
What matters now is how to get rid of them. Puppies can grow fast aaaaand puppies are extremely cuddly + naturally friendly! I could just imagine them roaming around our house begging us to play with them!
While hubb and I were talking and figuring out what to do, he suddenly said, "Jangan-jangan patut tah c-Paris selalu ke belakang batu atu!"
Extra shocking news!!! Our faces changed in disgust!! Aaaaarggghhh... I felt like screaming. Kambang buluku tarus! Damn it!
And then he added, "Aiii... Yang badan c-Paris luka-luka atu pasal gatalkah banar??!!"
I can't say anymore. Go figure!
Super blog!
Thanks for viewing. ;o)
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