The ceremony that I attended was in the papers today. Sadly, there's only a small picture being published.
Media Permata:
Majlis kesyukuran dan pelancaran Blog JASPER Brunei II(B)
The Brunei Times:
Contribution of teachers recognised
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 6:36 PM 0 comments
A familiar melody from a lonely past
I was reminiscing over a lonely past that I didn't remember much lately. It seemed so so so long ago. It has been over almost ten years a matter of fact, it would be a decade then this June. I haven't given much thought about it for such a long time now.
This would be the first posting that I ever talked about 'my lonely past'. It was followed by a happy future, though. I'm just glad that I got over it. It's a life experience that I would never change.
That being said, I felt tempted to search through old songs...melodies that I used to love to listen to...which are familiar to me...which reminded me of 'him'.
I searched and I googled -- and I found this particular number. If I could listen to it now...I will surely shed some tears. But, tears of pure joy that I was given a chance to love again.
Cinta Kita - Teacher's Pet
Cinta kita bagaikan kembara
Meniti samudera
Biarpun liku kehidupan berbeza
Namun kita sama
Dalam perjalanan ini
Mencari erti
Mengenali diri
Siapa kita sebenarnya
Tika dan waktu suatu suratan
Akhirnya ketemu
Aku rindu
Inilah duniaku
Impi damai di sisimu
Inilah bebasku
Bersamamu yang ku rindu
Inilah duniaku
Insan seni di sisimu
Inilah bebasku
Bersamamu yang ku rindu
Today, I am more than happy to say that I'm living in true happiness... with an adoring, caring and affectionate husband.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Just sharing...
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I share you my diner (in FB)
What I'm up to these couple of days??
The outlook of my restaurant. Upgraded the door & windows, added a few more dodgy tables and chairs. Hehehe... Yetah, bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian, nyanta. Nanti lagi upgrade jadi super-exclusive interiornya.
You may notice that the outside looks impressive konon. Tapi dalam...heh!
Oh, can't wait for tonight. Gonna go to watch the football match between DPMMFC and SAF (Singapore Armed Forces). Wooo-hoooo....
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
AF7 elimination nite...
I am so pissed rite now! Cemana buleh c-Aril tia plg kuar ani ah. Inda jua randah peratusnya awal tadi. Eeeeeehhhhhh.... c-Yazid yang out-of-tune atu plg survive masih. Bari sasak jua eh. I really believe he could win this show, probably over the top 3 at least. Haiyaaaa....
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Out with the girlfriends
I had a fantabulous time chatting away with Lynn & Laili during hi-tea at Rizqun today.
I was there first, around 2.30-ish... in search for parking space. I was in pure luck to have one rite in front of the entrance...with a security guard keeping a close eye over my car. Heh!
Berkat tah kali... hari ku kan belanja my close fwens. Hehehe.
We were chatting away during meal, and suddenly ada tia this chef and the staffs bringing out a birthday cake while singing the song. And I automatically stare at Lynn and Laili's faces, expecting to see any signs that they could possibly+secretly pass over the table, perhaps mischievous smile or sumthin'.
And I went, "Hey! U guys are not planning any of this, rite??!!!"
They quickly denied. Relieved, I made sure cake atu limpas dari meja kami. Fuhh... Baik jua. Centre of attention banar eh. Ramai lagi dangan antaie....
All in all, I had a great time just talking with the girlfriends. And I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did. [Sayangnya masing-masing nada mengambil gambar. Canggih jua sudah hp tu ah. Apraaaa...]
As I said to Laili today, "Keep up with us!" (coz Lynn and I awal sudah share banyak ceta hangat -- she was late, as usual). So she was a bit lagging...RAMnya inda basar.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Keep the business going....
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Cali c-Danish awal pagi tadi
On normal days, I would stop by so the kids get a free ride to school.
This morning, as Danish walked out of the front door he has this big, wide smile on his face. I was too, coz today he has his 'songkok' on for school. He climbed into my Patrol while dragging along his schoolbag and a sealed paper bag. The first thing he said was...
"Anty, aku ada balikan anty hadiah".
"Aaaii...Yakaan... Hadiah hepi bday tuyu kah?"
"Ooooh. Okay. Terima kasih. Adik bali kan?"
"Awu.... Hmmm... Dalamnya beg ni". (Badap-bam-boosh! There goes the supposedly 'surprise gift'.)
*Trying hard not to laugh* "Ooohhh... Bah, terima kasih ah. Karang anty buka hadiah".
"Mami cakap untuk anty bawa buku".
At this point, I have a silly smile on my face all the way to school.
Not only that I don't need to peek into the bag, I also know what it is for. *smile*
Charming, huh?! That definitely made my day!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Celebrating 'me' nite
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
The day went per usual which includes being at class with the kids. The weather was pretty hot too.
Huff and puff, I blew out all thirty one candles... (Yeah, rite! Like it would all fit in a 1-pounder. Haha!)

Little that I know, I have another surprise awaiting for me at home. We came home and as I entered the slightly dark living room, I noticed a shadowy-figure.... somewhat of a different piece of furniture sitting in darkness....
Lights on --- a beige, sweet-looking-and-welcoming, cozy chair.
Once can I not love the guy. He's so attentive to my needs. Heh-heh. I'm sooo loving my present. Yaaay!! Just what I need. Something to look forward to after a hard day at work.
>> Sunday, 19th
Hubs and I spent tea-time with his family, the aunts & the uncs again.
In one incident, we were chatting away and hubs nephew, Danish seemed to be 'beulah', macam inda mau-mau kana pujuk. He was insisting of kan balik ke rumah. I tried to pujuk for a bit handing him over krupuk ikan. Senyum ia, mau jua ia ngambil. Tapi bari herannya, urang siuk minum-minum, kan balik tia pulang. Insisting lagi tu. Last-last, the father pun mengalah bawa balik. Inda batah lapas tu ada tia datang semula.
Soon after when it's ampir kan maghrib, we decided to go home. Both my sis-in-law then handed me gifts... *sigh*... how thoughtful. Then, Danish called out and waved at me sheepishly. He seemed to have sumthin' for me as well.... And he handed me his home-made birthday card!! Ooooh, panyaaa.... Patut tah menyamal inda tantu pasal dari awal... Ada hajatnya kan bari kad bday! Patut tah inda mau-mau kan balik. Heh-heh... Kesian deh-loh!!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 10:49 PM 0 comments
The day has come...
to sing me 'the annual' song!!!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Tarikh lahirku dalam tahun Hijrah ~
[This application is available in Facebook.]
Taneya telah menghitung tarikh lahirnya dalam tahun Islam.
Bulan kelahiran Islam anda adalah pada 11 Jamadil Awwal 1398 Hijrah iaitu jatuh pada hari Rabu.
Maksud : Bulan pertama musim panas. "Jumada" bermaksud kering.
Sifat : Anda mempunyai tingkat keyakinan yang tinggi. Anda berani dan nekad, kadangkala melakukan sesuatu yang bodoh atau bahaya. Walaupun begitu, keberanian dan tekad anda itu akan menunjukkan hasil usaha anda, namun begitu boleh mendatangkan kegagalan juga.
My birth certificate stated that I was born at 7.30 a.m. in General Hospital, BSB.

Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Bobby Chin is definitely in town!

Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Adam vs. Allison
Behind the wicked eye-shadow... he has the most powerful voice...undeniably, highest note among the other six contestants of American Idol.
However, my least favourite has to be Allison... Simply because of her outrageous, flaming, red hair... which is totally unnecessary and over-done. Sure she has talent, yeah. However, I simply don't think that American Idol needs another 'Kelly Clarkson' to win the show.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
My super-talented cousin!

Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:56 PM 0 comments
A weird post to remind myself:
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
News that attracts my attention today...
DENVER – One Colorado woman's love for tofu has been judged X-rated by state officials. Kelly Coffman-Lee wanted to tell the world about her fondness for bean curd by picking certain letters for her SUV's license plate. Her suggestion for the plate: "ILVTOFU." But the Division of Motor Vehicles blocked her plan because they thought the combination of letters could be interpreted as profane.
Says Department of Revenue spokesman Mark Couch: "We don't allow 'FU' because some people could read that as street language for sex."
Officials meet periodically to ensure state plates stay free of letters that abbreviate gang slang, drug terms or obscene phrases.
The 38-year-old Coffman-Lee says tofu is a staple of her family's diet because they are vegan and that the DMV misinterpreted her message.
The 12-year-old cat was in surprisingly good health, authorities said. He was found beneath the city archives building that collapsed on March 3.
Rescue workers were clearing away the rubble from the ruins, in which two people were killed, when they spotted a pair of small paws.
"The men lifted some concrete blocks when suddenly a little cat came to light," said Dietmar Paust, fire brigade spokesman.
Police said the man didn't need a permit because the gun wasn't concealed, so he didn't break any laws.
His name was not released.
WACO, Texas – A man was stabbed after causing a stink — literally — in a motel room while eating with a friend, police said. Five men from the Houston area were sharing a Waco motel room Tuesday night, and two were inside the room eating when one had a flatulence problem, Waco police Officer Steve Anderson said. One man was so upset about the gas that he threw a large knife at him, cutting his leg, and then stabbed him in the chest, Anderson said.
The 35-year-old man was transported to a Waco hospital, where he was treated for what appeared to be non-life threatening injuries, Anderson said.
Jose Braule Ramirez, 33, of Houston, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, police said. He was arraigned Wednesday and was being held in the McLennan County Jail on $15,000 bond and placed on an immigration hold, according to jail records. He cannot be released, even if he posts bond, until authorities verify he is in the country legally.
A jail spokeswoman who declined to give her name said she was not allowed to release information on whether Ramirez had an attorney.
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I had a li'l fun doing this during the weekend while watching Melodi on TV3....
1) STAR WARS NAME:(the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)
- Ghaye
2) DETECTIVE NAME:(favorite color, favorite animal)
- Brown Cat
3) SOAP OPERA NAME:(middle name, town where you were born)
- Tay Bangar
4) SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd fav color, fav drink, add "THE" to the beginning)
- The Blue Coke
5) PORN NAME: (1st pet, street you grew up on)
- Garfield Batang Tuau
6) YOUR GANGSTA NAME:(first 3 letters of real name plus izzle)
- Yenizzle
7) YOUR GOTH NAME:(black, and the name of one of your pets)
- Black Paris
8) STRIPPER NAME: (name of your fav perfume, fav candy)
- Miracle Mars
9) WIZARD'S NAME: (last 3 letters of mother's name, first 3 letters of current job, first 3 letters of your zodiac sign and last 3 letters of home street's name)
- Iahtea Arisar
10) PIRATE'S NAME: (fav action hero's last name, your 'pet' name, fav comedian's last name) add "Captain"
- Captain Chan Andre Nawawi
P/S: My faves are my wizard & pirate names... And my stripper name sorta sounds convincing too...Miracle Mars...
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Count me out!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
'PANAS' is the word of the day
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
We are the loserssss...who's care?!!!!
Lots of love by Taneya Leong at 7:37 PM 0 comments